Father’s Day means making gifts right?

As those who live in Canada and the US know, yesterday was Father’s Day. A day when we are all supposed to pay attention to our dads and say thank you for all they do.

My youngest did not have a clue what to do so we sat down together and worked on a dragon and two watercolor painting cards for my wonderful hubby. They were fun and a bit different and what else can a dad ask for right?

Now this little guy is part me (the dragon) and part Kaylan (the burger) he is fun and cute right?

100_0522 100_0520 100_0521 Originally the burger was to be between his claws but it was too big. Then she thought how about a burger balloon. Well it started out staying up but in the oven it slid down. So we have decided that he is holding a burger hammer! Okay maybe we all have been playing too much terreria but this works. He is cute and very small. All he needs is a gloss coat now to be finished.

I painted on the eyes for my yellow dragon (btw the one above is velvetta cheese colored not yellow) The are not the best but now he can be gloss coated too.

100_0519 He now looks like he is plotting to take over the world, don’t you think?

Finally we sat down with my water color pencils and sketched out cards for Father’s day. Of course we have two different styles of images but then we are two different artists. My daughter keeps telling people I copied my image where all I did was find something online to inspire me but that is because she free drew here. Course she draws a lot of animals in the cute anime style all the time and I have not been drawing much lately…so this is what we came up with.

100_0527 100_0526 All around we had a great Father’s Day and I hope everyone out there who actually reads my blog did too!

Next week I hope to have images of the things I created for my fifth wedding anniversary today. Never know just what I might put up!

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