Painting again

With the new year come and gone I picked up my pen and brushes and did some fresh pieces. It was later that I realized that in this apartment we have a lot of different types of paint. Watercolor, chalk paint, acrylic, air brush, fabric and even lacquer. One thing we haven’t done yet is oil paint.

Now I have only really played with the acrylic and watercolors so far. I have used a tiny bit of lacquer as an accent so I guess I could say that. I want to try a lot of the rest and I will this year I think.

What I need I to get some canvases to work on. Most of my paintings have been done on paper and that’s cool but I want to expand. So we will see. Now here is one of the pie es I worked on today.

3 D printing and painting

Well new fun thing in our home is a 3D printer. Now no I haven’t used it myself. This is something the guys are playing with and once they get used to it I am hoping I get some lessons so I can run a thing or three and then do things to them.

The firs with thing that the hubby printed out was this adorable little chinese cat. You know the luck Cat who holds up his paw? Well I have one now. I decided of course that I had to paint him. After all he was all white and that is just boring right?

Now some of my painting looked good, but damn I need both smaller brushes and a hand that doesn’t shake at times. Yeah age has started to creep up on me and as I found out with my photography my hands are not the steadiest of things.

Now I’m not sure I used the right paint. You see as those who follow me over on DeviantArt know I do some painting with acrylics. Yeah I’m not the best artist, nothing like my daughter, but I have learned how to use the paints on both canvas and paper. I plan on using some on my various polymer clay creations too but for now I want to try painting the plastic that is used for 3D printing.

I got the scroll and sign to come out about the way I expected but well I had trouble with the collar. It was either too big a brush or my hand just jigged, who knows. Then I painted the nose. Should have been the easy part but then it decided to run after I thought I was done. Well here you can see.

Now luckily I took the second photo before the paint ran. It had seemed fine right up till the next morning. Then it ran. So a bit more practice is needed dont you think?

My dfaughter is way too talented

Over the holiday my daughter made art for my husband and I. cute little things that I will post up later but right now I wanted to post up the paintings and a piece of art she did for her class at school.

Last year I posted up this image


This lovely painting was for Mother’s Day last year. Well for her father’s birthday she decided that a matching painting was needed. She lined up the next canvas with this one and here is what she did.


Yeah I know the image is fuzzy but this a man in a tux to match the lovely lady in the  gown. The painting on on my wall and definitely wonderful.

The last image really didn’t come up so well but this piece amazed me. Usually my daughter does a more anime style to her art but in classes she had to do something real and totally filled out.


When I first looked this i thought it was a print but it isn’t. She had to do this with pencil and no it is not a copy of an image. She is really that good.

As you can tell I am proud of my daughter. All of my girls have amazing abilities but my youngest is the best artist for sure.

How about something a bit different

Yeah I know you folks like to look at my dragons and I will be doing more of them soon but I did some painting again. And oh boy can I tell I haven’t been painting in a bit. These are interesting if not that great. I have three total. Two that are kinda funky and one that shows how long it has been since I painted anything. For some reason my daughter loves the bad one..go figure right? So here are flowers with bugs, fish with weeds and a mask of oddness.

Halloween inspired cuteness…or hey I got more clay!

Today I decided to break into the new colors of clay the hubby got me as a present. I sold one of my dragons and I guess he wanted to surprise me. So sweet right? Well I got brown, black, orange and stone..yup I said stone! The cool part was I decided I needed to make a pumpkn(ish) and a gargoyle(ish) dragon…they are small of course but they are adorable. It took a lot of time to work up to these two. I am not as good at crafting as many others out there but I hope people will like Little Jackie and Baby Goyle.



Yes I know not the best photos but I was having trouble with the set up and everything else was what do you think?

Father’s Day means making gifts right?

As those who live in Canada and the US know, yesterday was Father’s Day. A day when we are all supposed to pay attention to our dads and say thank you for all they do.

My youngest did not have a clue what to do so we sat down together and worked on a dragon and two watercolor painting cards for my wonderful hubby. They were fun and a bit different and what else can a dad ask for right?

Now this little guy is part me (the dragon) and part Kaylan (the burger) he is fun and cute right?

100_0522 100_0520 100_0521 Originally the burger was to be between his claws but it was too big. Then she thought how about a burger balloon. Well it started out staying up but in the oven it slid down. So we have decided that he is holding a burger hammer! Okay maybe we all have been playing too much terreria but this works. He is cute and very small. All he needs is a gloss coat now to be finished.

I painted on the eyes for my yellow dragon (btw the one above is velvetta cheese colored not yellow) The are not the best but now he can be gloss coated too.

100_0519 He now looks like he is plotting to take over the world, don’t you think?

Finally we sat down with my water color pencils and sketched out cards for Father’s day. Of course we have two different styles of images but then we are two different artists. My daughter keeps telling people I copied my image where all I did was find something online to inspire me but that is because she free drew here. Course she draws a lot of animals in the cute anime style all the time and I have not been drawing much lately…so this is what we came up with.

100_0527 100_0526 All around we had a great Father’s Day and I hope everyone out there who actually reads my blog did too!

Next week I hope to have images of the things I created for my fifth wedding anniversary today. Never know just what I might put up!

Are these at all good?

Well I decided to do some new paintings. Not sure if they are good or not. So you tell me this okay?

I had one more but for some reason it won’t upload here. These are not some of my finest examples but happens! The third was supposed to be water lilies but well…they are not that good.

Now I plan on hopefully sitting with my watercolor pencils and doing something different. Maybe a wolf, who knows?

I have also finally ordered some of the fimo clay used by the professionals to make sculptures. I have a bunch of colors coming along with something called clay canes. When they come in I will take photos before I start making different dragons.

More water color paintings or hey I can draw and paint


Last week I had planned on putting this up for my weekly blog but the system was refusing to accept anything. So these are a bit behind and I plan on doing more today.

One of the nice things about watercolor pencils is that you can draw what you want and then you just carefully run a water filled brush over the image. Unlike when painting with acrylic you need to work from the inside out. In this painting You can see that I went from the inside with a light color out to the darker colors. What i am hoping to do is get more shades of colors as this seems to not have enough depth for my developing style.

Now when I paint I am person who works in the small. Like my writing style of both poetry and short stories, I try to place a lot into the small space.

I am currently working a new dragon, which I will post up once he dries. The thing I am looking for now is glue that will work with the clay I use. I have had a wing fall off my most recent dragon thanks to visiting kids with too much curiosity. Research now tells me I need something like Gorilla glue or a really good white glue. Here is hoping.

I haven’t gone away!


Okay I really should post here more often. It is hard because of the projects I do I don’t have photos of them. I have made new paintings and worked on new crochet projects, did drawings and just haven’t got decent images of them to show you.

I have plans this summer (one way or the other) to do sculpture. Not just the little purple dragon, but others. I want to work on more paintings of course and I had fun this Valentine’s day making cards for my husband and daughter.

Now I have posted them on facebook but I can put them over here. They are two different takes on how to do a card with watercolor pencils. Simple images and fun.

These two cards were an easy make and just fun. Using the water color pencils made making them as easy as drawing. Simply you just draw and then carefully use a water filled paintbrush to fill in the color.

I plan on sitting back in the next few days with those very pencils and the special paper. I will draw, I hope, examples of my photography. I want to show you that you can cross your own beautiful work from type to type.