Painting again

With the new year come and gone I picked up my pen and brushes and did some fresh pieces. It was later that I realized that in this apartment we have a lot of different types of paint. Watercolor, chalk paint, acrylic, air brush, fabric and even lacquer. One thing we haven’t done yet is oil paint.

Now I have only really played with the acrylic and watercolors so far. I have used a tiny bit of lacquer as an accent so I guess I could say that. I want to try a lot of the rest and I will this year I think.

What I need I to get some canvases to work on. Most of my paintings have been done on paper and that’s cool but I want to expand. So we will see. Now here is one of the pie es I worked on today.

This year

In years past I would be doing presents, making things for those I know but I have just not been in the mood. Maybe it’s the lack of snow, orcall the aches but I’m just not in a making kind of mood. I know I need to, after all I give chocolates and cookies and breads out for xmas every year.

I might make tshirts this year. I have some fabric paint but it is only in shades of blue. I also picked up some chalkboard paint. I might make little bottles of spells. Obviously not real ones but something with essential oils and ribbon. No idea.

Fighting electronics

I have sorta worked out how to post up things with my Samsung phone now. It keeps telling me have have no space but well that is not true. So I’ll post as it lets me

Obviously I have been crafting, arting, writing etc all along. My old iphone 5 (or 6) cant do much but I can play with Ibispaint and I do some art over there now I know this was set up for my crafts at first but as my art is not that great it fits here right?

I had fun taking my old pencil sketches and turning them into digi5art. Between those and the other digital pieces I’ve done I have quite

the collection.

This is an oldie but a good one. This is my Blue Mage, done long before I discovered blogs .